If you have an emergency that needs immediate attention please call 911 or the Crisis Hotline at (330) 452-6000.

More than just your typical therapy sessions.
Total Health and Wellness offers a diverse range of services to the community. We work side by side to make sure the psychological, emotional, and physical needs of each client are thoroughly met and exceed expectations.
Counseling Services
We are currently open for both Telehealth and In-Person Services.
Therapy for Youth, Young Adults, Adults, Couples, LBGTQ+
Depression and Anxiety
Stress Management
Trauma Survivors: Physical, Emotional, Sexual Abuse
Domestic Violence Survivors
Addiction and Recovery
Parenting Support
Behavior and Personality Disorders
....and much more.

Maintain or regain a healthy energy balance. Acupuncture has been proven to help with a wide variety of physical and emotional issues.
Call for specific pricing or visit: www.cantonacupuncture.com
Reflexology / ION cleanse
Gentle detox and energy balancing/
relaxation to support nerve and blood
For specific pricing, visit: www.visithopedepot.com
Call Linda McCormick 330-447-4289

Maintain or regain a healthy and clean digestive tract that supports a healthy immune system.
Call for specific pricing or visit: www.visithopedepot.com
Please feel free to contact us in the way that’s most comfortable for you. We’ll get back to you as quickly as possible. Referrals welcome.
Phone: 330-956-5681
Email: totalhealthandwelnesscanton@gmail.com